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Personal Injury and Medical Negligence


personal injury man holding knee

Personal Injury

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Getting your life back together following a motor vehicle accident is not easy. Cars can be repaired or replaced, yet yourself may need extensive and expensive rehabilitation and medical treatment, you also maybe unable to work. If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle (or by a motor vehicle) we can make sure you recover every cent that you are entitled to.

Whiplash Compensation

Whiplash is an underrated and very serious type of injury. This should not be ignored.

WorkCover or Worker’s Compensation

All workers deserve to be safe at work every day. Unfortunately, not all do.

If you’ve been injured in the workplace, or as a result of the work that you do or people you work with, you are almost certainly entitled to some type of compensation. These injuries can be physical or psychological or even both.

Motorcycle Accidents

Riding a motorcycle is a dangerous activity, motorcyclists are one of the more vulnerable road users. As a motorcyclists you have the same rights to use the road as the driver of any other motor vehicle. 

 Severe Injuries

These are severe and debilitating injuries that usually require long term and significant treatment. They can include (yet are not just limited to) brain/head injuries, spinal cord injuries (paraplegia, quadriplegia or tetraplegia) and amputations. If you’ve been severely injured your needs will greatly differ from other personal injury claims.

We have a team dedicated to severe injury claims, to allow for focused attention on your claim.


Public Liability Compensation

An injury in a public place can occur through a slip, fall or tripping, this means you may have a personal injury claim in areas like pain and suffering, loss of income, medical / rehabilitation expenses, carer costs, you may even have out of pocket expenses and more.

You may also be entitled to claim workers’ compensation benefits, including lost wages and medical and rehabilitation expenses.


Extreme Sports Incident Claims

In Australia with so many waterways and outdoor activities such as , boats, jet skis, snow skiing, surfing and more extreme activities are a popular way to spend our free time. If you have suffered an injury as a result of the operation or undertaken any or more  of one of these activities you may be entitled to compensation.

Mining Incident Compensation

Working in the mines is a dangerous occupation. Miners are exposed to significant risks on the job site daily.

If you’ve been injured while working in the Queensland mining industry, you may be entitled to injury at work compensation.

Medical Negligence

At Bespoke Legal Group, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality legal representation.

Our Lawyers have a vast of experience navigating the healthcare system, much needed experience when proceeding in a medical negligence case. We have the experience and resources to help our clients navigate the complexities of both the legal system and the healthcare system.

Our experienced team of professionals are passionate about helping our clients get the justice and compensation they deserve.

We understand the importance of being supportive and patient with our clients, and strive to provide a caring and compassionate service.

TPD Insurance Claims


Most people aren’t even aware that they have additional insurance coverage through their superannuation.

In fact, even if you have more than one superannuation fund, there may be multiple policies available to you. If you are unable to work, no matter the injury, how it occurred, you may be able to make a claim (TPD) through those policies. Worker Compensation Claim Lawyers.

Can I claim for TPD?

To qualify for TPD benefits, you need to satisfy this checklist:

  • Not be currently physically working. You may be still employed with your employer however have not been cleared to return to work.

  • Be unlikely (or unable) to return to your usual occupation or a role that is suited within your education, training or experience. You or your doctors may be unsure at this stage and that is perfectly okay. We would still encourage you to speak with us. There is no obligation and no fee to do this!

  • You were less than 65 years of age at the time of becoming injured or having an illness.

  • Have TPD insurance at the time you ceased work due to your injury or illness. Not sure? No problem! We will gladly investigate your entitlements free of charge and can assist you moving forward if you have reasonable prospects of success.

  • If you have already lodged a claim, and it has been declined, we will gladly review the decision at no charge to you.

                                               Still unsure why not give Bespoke Legal Group a call to discuss your eligibility.

Get in Touch

Bespoke Legal Group

07 56200558

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